by webuildsites | Mar 1, 2012
The Gunbower Water Treatment Plant is a 0.65 ML/d capacity Water Treatment Plant which will provide treated water for the township of Gunbower in Northern Victoria. The customers in the area consist of residential, light industrial and semi-rural. The plant utilises...
by webuildsites | Dec 1, 2011
The upgrade works at Shoalhaven Heads WWTP replaced the existing activated sludge wastewater treatment process using Pasveer Channels with an intermittently decanted extended aeration (IDEA) process. An IDEA based process provides both functions of a traditional...
by webuildsites | Aug 1, 2011
The Myrtleford Water Treatment Plant is a 6 ML/d Dissolved Air Flotation Filtration (DAFF) Water Treatment Plant which treats water for supply to Myrtleford in North East Victoria. Laurie Curran Water was the principal contractor for this project, which incorporated...
by webuildsites | Dec 1, 2010
This project involved the construction of three fluoridation facilities at Wurdee Boluc WTP, Colac WTP and Moorabool WTP. To deliver the project CCB Envico partnered with Laurie Curran Water who had the role as the process designer and mechanical installation...
by webuildsites | Aug 1, 2010
This project required the design and construction of a 20 MLD DAFF water treatment plant on a greenfield site in East Gippsland, Victoria. LC Water supported head contractor, CCB Envico, as process design engineers and mechanical installers. Key elements of the...