by webuildsites | Mar 1, 2016
This project involves the design and construction of three water treatment plants ranging in capacity from 0.45Mld to 0.6Mld. Laurie Curran Water is the principal contractor for this project, which incorporates various water treatment processes and technologies...
by webuildsites | Apr 1, 2015
The Numurkah Water Treatment Plant is a 10ML/d Dissolved Air Flotation Filtration (DAFF) Water Treatment Plant which treats water for supply to Numurkah in Victoria. Laurie Curran Water was the principal contractor for this project, which incorporated PAC dosing, pH...
by webuildsites | Aug 1, 2014
This project involved the upgrade of two anaerobic digesters at the Leongatha WWTP. The digesters and associated pipework are being upgraded along with a new heating water and sludge mixing system. Value: $2.2 M
by webuildsites | Apr 1, 2014
The Gunning Water Treatment Plant is a 1.0 ML/d Dissolved Air Flotation and Filtration (DAFF) Water Treatment Plant which will eventually treat water for supply to Gunning in the Southern Tablelands of NSW. Laurie Curran Water was the principal contractor for this...
by webuildsites | Mar 1, 2014
The Marysville Water Treatment Plant is a 2ML/d Membrane Filtration Water Treatment Plant that treats water for supply to the Marysville township in Victoria. Laurie Curran Water was the principal contractor for this project, which incorporated pH correction dosing...